
Invest after retirement

After retirement, 回顾和调整你的退休投资以帮助实现你的目标是明智的.

当你从雇主那里拿到最后一份薪水时,退休计划并不会结束. 积极保护你为退休所存的钱是很重要的. 退休后进行明智的投资和调整也同样重要.

According to life expectancy data compiled by the Social Security Administration, a man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, until age 84, a woman 86. Many retirees find themselves trying to find safe and reliable investments. 目标是保护你的收入流,这样你就不会有风险 running out during your lifetime.

Investment options

There are various types of investment options, strategies and approaches. Some potential investments during retirement are:

  • Mutual funds 是否被很多有长期投资目标的人使用. 共同基金是多元化的,由投资组合经理管理,投资组合经理购买符合基金投资目标的各种证券. 由于分散投资,共同基金分散了投资组合的风险. Diversification won't eliminate all risk, but it may help balance them.
  • Bond mutual funds 许多退休人员的另一种选择是因为他们设法获得定期收入吗. 这笔钱可以用来帮助满足你的退休开支需求. 债券通常比股票风险小,尽管它们确实有一些风险.
  • Stock mutual funds are designed for long-term capital appreciation. These are often used to help people save for retirement, 而且对于许多退休后的人来说,它们可能是有意义的. That's because in the long run, 股票基金比债券基金更能跑赢通胀. 因为当你退休的时候,你买的东西的价格可能会上涨, you'll want your income to go up, too. 将有资本增值潜力的投资纳入你的退休投资可以帮助你的整体投资组合跟上通货膨胀的步伐. Keep in mind; all types of investing involve risk, including potential for loss.
  • Certificates of deposit 是一种低风险的投资选择,由联邦存款pp王者电子官网公司提供高达25万美元的支持. 持有定期存单,您在存期内就不能动用资金. 然而,在预定的时间框架之后,你的利息收入是有保证的. 有几种不同的CD选择可以最大限度地利用你的退休计划.
  • Annuities pp王者电子官网产品是否可以成为你一生的收入来源. 有不同类型的年金可供选择:固定年金、指数化年金和可变年金. 重要的是要了解每个选择的利弊,并考虑你能承担多大的风险.

Educate yourself on retirement investments

Finding a reliable investment income and understanding how to invest is possible. 在风险和回报之间找到适当的平衡是关键. Looking at the sources of your retirement income你预算的灵活性和承受风险的能力是一个很好的开始. Because investing is a lifelong pursuit, 你会想要尽可能多地学习,这样你就可以根据不断变化的生活需求调整你的投资.

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Securities are not FDIC insured, 不是银行担保,有投资风险吗, including possible loss of principal.


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